Ways to Make Your Exercise Routine More Effective

Here are some simple ways to make continuous gains to your current

1) Instead of adding exercises, change the exercises. This alone will
spark new gains.
2) Cut short the rest time between sets. This will make the routine
harder to do and this will produce new result.
3) Change the order of exercises. By doing so, the old exercises seem
new again.
4) Do the same exercises but work at a slightly different angle. Hold
the weight with a slightly wider grip, stand a little narrow will all bring
an impact to the routine positively.
5) Slow down the tempo of the exercise. Instead of the usual 1-2 sec up
and down tempo, try to train 4 sec up, 4 secs down. Can you say 'burn'?
6) Add a two seconds contraction to the exercise at the completion of
every reps.
7) For cardio training, you can try to work at different inclinations
(for treadmil or outdoor running), speed, resistance level (on cross-trainer
or stepper) etc.

Try to do one or two of the above and you will be seeing new gains

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