Multi Tsking

Dick Lee
Current portfolio: composer-director
Potential portfolio: business man who opens his own “Fried Rice Paradise” restaurant and patrons will be served by singing waiters and waitresses

Jack Neo
Current Portfolio: actor and producer of “I Not Stupid”
Potential Portfolio: MOE Educator who writes text books urging special stream bookworms to “Relax a Bit, Lah”

Current portfolio: political party
Potential portfolio: image consultancy that teaches people how to color co-ordinate their wardrobe

Current Portfolio: comedian cum drag queen
Potential portfolio: Parking warden who love to wear the uniform and parasol to fine people with their various fashion faux pas

Royston Tan
Current portfolio: film director
Potential portfolio: KTW lounge operator since he has achieved success with his film “881” about getai singers.

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