The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding

1) The Law of Either / Or - The Internet can be a business of a medium but not both

2) The Law of Interactivity-Without it, your website and your brand will go nowhere

3) The law of Common Name– The kiss of death for an Internet brand

4) The Law of Proper Name – Your name stands alone on the Internet so you better have a good one. It must be short, simple, suggestive of the category, unique, be alliterative, speak-able, shocking and personalized,

5) The Law of Singularity – At all costs you should avoid being second in your category
– In the real world there is always room for number two brand
i. Duracell & Energizer
ii. Kodak & Fuji
iii. Hertz & Avis
iv. Nike & Reebok
v. Exxon and Shell

6) The Law of Advertising– Advertising off the Net will be a lot bigger than advertising on the Net

7) The Law of Globalism – The Internet will demolish all barriers, all boundaries, all borders

8) The Law of Time – Just do it. You have to be fast. You have to be first. You have to e focused.

9) The Law of Vanity– The biggest mistake of all its believing you can do anything.
-Keep your brand focused
-Increase your share of the market
-Expand your market
-Go Global
-Dominate the category

10)The Law of Divergence – Everyone talks about convergence, while just the opposite is happening

11) The Law of Transformation
  1. The Internet revolution will transform all aspects of our lives.
    Paper directories are doomed
  2. Paper catalogs face an uncertain future
  3. The elaborate full-color brochure will be exceedingly rare
  4. Classified advertising will shift to the web
  5. The postal service won’t be delivering much mail.
  6. Financial services of all types will shift to the Web
  7. The parcel delivery services will soar
  8. Internet retailing will become a price game
  9. Internet Retailing will become a service game
  10. Internet search engines will decline in importance
  11. Internet will change many aspects of the telephone industry
  12. There will be speed bumps on the Internet

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