Yoga for everything?

Fitness Tutor Exercise and Nutrition Tip
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Yoga has been around since 2250 B.C. and its ability to help one develop a good state of mind and great flexibility is undeniable. However, some people started to promote Yoga as the wonder do-all fitness program, claiming that it also helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, muscular strength, power etc.

The truth is, does Yoga really do all these or is it just some hype just to recruit new enthusiasts and boost their bottom line?American Council On Exercise (ACE) recently conducted a study on this and found this: regular practice of Hatha yoga did improve the flexibility (obviously), muscular strength and endurance, and balance of the tested subjects. However, no significant improvements in the aerobic fitness were found. The researchers also concluded that muscular strength could be improved much faster by lifting weights.So it all boils down to your individual goals.

If you are seeking for a program that specifically works your flexibility and balance, Yoga might be the answer. But if you want great improvements to your aerobic fitness and lose weight, you'll do much better running rounds around the Yoga studio. Want strength? Try doing some pushups while some doing the Plank pose. The message we want to give is this: Yoga can be a great addition to your normal fitness routine, but standing alone, it is not an effective way for achieving all round fitness

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Paul KuckFounderFitness TutorTransformation Studio:
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