The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding

1) The Law of Either / Or - The Internet can be a business of a medium but not both

2) The Law of Interactivity-Without it, your website and your brand will go nowhere

3) The law of Common Name– The kiss of death for an Internet brand

4) The Law of Proper Name – Your name stands alone on the Internet so you better have a good one. It must be short, simple, suggestive of the category, unique, be alliterative, speak-able, shocking and personalized,

5) The Law of Singularity – At all costs you should avoid being second in your category
– In the real world there is always room for number two brand
i. Duracell & Energizer
ii. Kodak & Fuji
iii. Hertz & Avis
iv. Nike & Reebok
v. Exxon and Shell

6) The Law of Advertising– Advertising off the Net will be a lot bigger than advertising on the Net

7) The Law of Globalism – The Internet will demolish all barriers, all boundaries, all borders

8) The Law of Time – Just do it. You have to be fast. You have to be first. You have to e focused.

9) The Law of Vanity– The biggest mistake of all its believing you can do anything.
-Keep your brand focused
-Increase your share of the market
-Expand your market
-Go Global
-Dominate the category

10)The Law of Divergence – Everyone talks about convergence, while just the opposite is happening

11) The Law of Transformation
  1. The Internet revolution will transform all aspects of our lives.
    Paper directories are doomed
  2. Paper catalogs face an uncertain future
  3. The elaborate full-color brochure will be exceedingly rare
  4. Classified advertising will shift to the web
  5. The postal service won’t be delivering much mail.
  6. Financial services of all types will shift to the Web
  7. The parcel delivery services will soar
  8. Internet retailing will become a price game
  9. Internet Retailing will become a service game
  10. Internet search engines will decline in importance
  11. Internet will change many aspects of the telephone industry
  12. There will be speed bumps on the Internet

Off the Beaten Tracks – The Modern Tour.

Get a contemporary kick of extreme heights, temperatures and political regimes. Take a personal development trip or those joyous trips with your partner and come back rejuvenated or energized.
High culture in low places -
When treatments attack -
Capitalist pigs in space -
Sleep with the fishes-
Get high & fight alongside the horde -
Brave new World -
‘The scariest place on earth’ -
Rule the lost city -
Talk the talk -
Watch the proud animal - or
Master intrigue -
Polo, subcontinent style -
Dig at the cradle of mankind -
Nudism lure -
Argy bargy -
Underneath the mango tree -
Savoir vivre - or
The real Garden of Eden -
High Rollers -

Why Women are to be blame for everything? By Andrew Mueller

It started with Eve and it went downhill from there. It is because women put up with them (those thick, boorish, unfaithful, charm-less, dimwitted, discourteous, unhygienic, ignorant, oafish, thuggish, howling-at the-moon crazy, bullying, obnoxious twerp, stupid, venal, selfish and abusive men). These women are nobly stoic rather that completely retarded and forgiving when they stood by their men despite cruelty, violence and foolishness. These bizarre acquiescence of women is the factor uniting all male transgression against decency and courtesy from the history-altering to the workaday. Examples are Mrs. Stalin and Mrs. Slobodan Milosevic who were positively encouraging their husbands dementias.

A Woman Needs a Man … by Sumiko Tan

I like to quote some of her comments on her Sept 9,2007 article… The life of a woman will be complemented and enhanced by the right male companion. It is a case of finding the right partner. It involves risk and taking a leap of faith in your ability to read people. The caveat is that he isn’t a PRINCE YOU KISSED WHO TURNS OUT TO BE A FROG, but someone who is kind, decent and sweet and who watches out for you.

It is really like having a 24-HOUR BEST FRIEND. Wake up together, go to work together, come home to someone to complain to, have hobbies together, go to sleep together. Ultimately marriage is not about sex, financial security or even kids. It’s about COMPANIONSHIP and having a 24-hour friend who makes life easier most of the time.

Single hood has it many advantages but to be able to share a life with someone who loves you and whom you love, well that’s a happy position to be in.”
GO GREEN - Simple ways to cool the earth.
► Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,
► Pack your own water,
► Switch light bulbs to energy saving fluorescent tube,
► Avoid fast food because they used a lot of wrappers,
► Adopt green gift giving- i.e. Spa treats & etc,
► BYOB(Bring your own bag)
► Turn up your air-con to 23 - 25 deg. C
► Skip the solo drive,
► Don’t let your engine idle (turn off your engine while waiting)
► Carry a portable coffee mug, keep the plastic off your clothes,
► Reduce packaging,
► Don’t trash your cell phone

Multi Tsking

Dick Lee
Current portfolio: composer-director
Potential portfolio: business man who opens his own “Fried Rice Paradise” restaurant and patrons will be served by singing waiters and waitresses

Jack Neo
Current Portfolio: actor and producer of “I Not Stupid”
Potential Portfolio: MOE Educator who writes text books urging special stream bookworms to “Relax a Bit, Lah”

Current portfolio: political party
Potential portfolio: image consultancy that teaches people how to color co-ordinate their wardrobe

Current Portfolio: comedian cum drag queen
Potential portfolio: Parking warden who love to wear the uniform and parasol to fine people with their various fashion faux pas

Royston Tan
Current portfolio: film director
Potential portfolio: KTW lounge operator since he has achieved success with his film “881” about getai singers.

For Ladies : )

A man and his wife, now in their 60's, were celebrating their 40th wedding
anniversary. On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that
because they had been so good that each one of them could have one wish.

The wife wished for a trip around the world with her husband.

Whoosh! Immediately she had airline/cruise tickets in her hands.
The man wished for a female companion 30 years younger...

Whoosh...immediately he turned ninety!!!

Gotta love that fairy!

Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience
for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to

Q: Why do little boys whine?

A: They are practising to be men.


Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling
your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.


Q: Why do men whistle when they are sitting on the toilet?

A: It helps them remember which end they need to wipe.

Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?

A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"

Send this to at
least five
bright, funny women you know and make their day!

And send this to five bright men who have enough sense of humour to take

Factors for Competitive Success

C - Culture Shared beliefs, all-for-one can-do, customer-centered
U - Uniqueness. Have USP
S - Strategy Building sustainable, profitable, competitive advantages
T - Technology Breakthroughs, differentiation, productivity
O - Opportunity Satisfying customer needs constantly and profitably
M - Management Leadership, executive team, manager, supervisor
E - Execution Accomplishing the vision through strategic initiatives
R - Resources People, financial, infrastructure, knowledge, physical…

11 Essential Entrepreneurship Power Skills

1. Assess the present situation accurately
2. Go after bold vision
3. Be unstoppable
4. Negotiate firmly and win-winly
5. Solve problems
6. Make good decisions
7. Brainstorm
8. Mobilize Powerful resources
9. Communicate effectively
10. Act decisively
11. Behave with integrity

Trump on Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship starts with vision. Every problem is well disguised potential opportunity. The problems you faced keep out your competito
1. Problems are just the door to success
2. You can’t do it alone. Building a world-class team is the only way to a big success
3. Unleashed your Entrepreneurial Power. Refuse to be stopped
4. It encompasses 3 factors : (MAP) Mindset, Actions, Process

How to age gracefully

Factors to achieving maximum health and better health in old age
A - ATTITUDE Be optimistic and don’t internalize stress. Learn to let go of your past
so that you can manage your stress level better
G - GENETIC. It is in your gene – longitivity
E - EXERCISE Build up your body resistance against illness and diseases
I - INTEREST Have an interest that stimulate your mind and keep you active mentally and physically
N - NUTRITION Have a healthy weight and diet
G –GET RID Get rid of smoking and anti aging quackery such as growth hormone
and anti-aging cream

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